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Immersion & Service

Service Learning Schoolwide Projects


VENAVER (meaning “come and see”) service immersion trips challenges sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and faculty from SHC and other Lasallian schools to partner with and serve those in need at sites including a migrant worker camp in Napa; an orphanage in Santiago, Chile; Oregon Geer Crest Sustainable Farm; a shelter for families along the border in El Paso; Homeboy Industries in East Los Angeles; and various social service agencies in the San Francisco Tenderloin neighborhood. VENAVER allows students to spend a week experiencing firsthand the realities of structural injustice, oppression and poverty. Rooted in the tenets of faith, simplicity, community and social justice, immersion trips promote human solidarity, cultural awareness, ongoing service, and an appreciation for the sustaining value of faith in our students’ lives. Learn more.

Sports in Action

Sports in Action further integrates community service, prayer, faith development and community building into the life of the school. The program invites boys and girls athletic teams to create and sponsor service projects. Our student-athletes learn to use their gifts and talents for others in meaningful ways.

Family Service Day

The Parents Association partners with the Community Life Team to sponsor a team of 30-60 community members for a day of rebuilding and learning in connection with National Rebuilding Day during the last weekend in April. San Francisco’s own Rebuilding Day is a citywide renovation effort that is the culmination of a year’s worth of planning and coordination. Thousands of volunteers renovate nonprofit facilities and schools and repair the homes of low-income, disabled and elderly San Franciscans.

Schoolwide Initiatives

Each year our Catholic high school supports a variety of projects and people both locally and globally. We aim to create a calendar that is flexible enough to respond to crisis and need (e.g., the earthquakes, floods, wildfires), while allowing students and families the opportunity to give through prayer, specific goods and time. The Walkathon is our only schoolwide fundraiser specifically for the SHC community, therefore these other schoolwide initiatives allow all members of our school to respond to our greater community.

Located in the

Heart of the city