A summer of academic exploration and athletic fun awaits. Register your grade-school student for SHC's Summer Institute today!
Summer Institute Registration
Summer Institute Registration
The SHC Summer Institute is a series of one-week enrichment courses and sports academies for motivated students and athletes ages 8–14. Instructed by SHC’s talented faculty, staff and coaches, students and athletes explore exciting topics through hands-on learning and field trips and pursue athletic achievement with others that share their interests and abilities.
Cost: $425 Early Bird. $495 after April 22, 2024
Register Here
If the offering you are interested in is sold out on the registration form we invite you to fill out the waitlist linked here: SHC Summer Institute Waitlist
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Families who decide to cancel their Summer Institute registration prior to the start of their course/sports academy may receive a 50% refund of course/sports academy fees. Students that have already participated in a course/sports academy will not receive a refund.
For questions regarding SHC Summer Institute, email us at summerprogram@shoalscrappie.com.