A summer of academic exploration and athletic fun awaits. Register your grade-school student for SHC's Summer Institute today!
Retreats present opportunities for students at each grade level to reflect upon their relationships with God, themselves, their families, friends and others.
Through a combination of one-day and overnight retreats, these experiences empower students to affirm the gifts that they bring to SHC. Retreats strengthen our community and provide an environment in which we can learn about God, ourselves and one another. Students of all faith traditions are invited and encouraged to participate.
Frosh Retreat
Ninth graders experience a one-day retreat with their class during the first semester. The retreat focuses on the Lasallian and Vincentian charisms, our ESLRs and on creating a sense of community among all members of the frosh class.
Sophomore Retreat
The sophomore retreat is scheduled during the second semester and provides an opportunity to reflect on moving into the upperclassmen years and the pressures, stresses and opportunities that come with that transition. The central theme of the retreat is the idea of coming of age and entering a phase in our lives when we are more responsible for our own selves.
Junior Journey Retreat
The Journey retreat is a two-day, off-campus experience centered on the themes of choices, values and mindfulness. The students spend time in both large and small groups, as well as time alone, reflecting on their past choices and examining upcoming choices they will face and how their own values play a role in how they will go forward. Juniors are discouraged from attending a Journey retreat and Kairos in the same semester, so juniors interested in attending the final Kairos retreat must sign up for a fall Journey retreat. Click here to reserve your spot on one of our five Journey retreats!
Kairos is a four-day off-campus retreat attended by seniors and select juniors. Kairos is a Greek word that refers to a moment of opportunity, of challenge or of decision. This time allows students to recognize the presence of God within themselves and their talents, in their parents, families and friendships, in the bible and in the world around them. The retreat is centered on the affirmation of each person’s worth and the idea that God’s love is unconditional and ever-present. Student leaders take on a much greater role at Kairos than in any of our other retreats, which contributes to the great value of the experience in the retreatants’ lives.
Click here to reserve your spot for one of our 2020-21 Kairos retreats. Juniors will be nominated by their religion teachers to attend the March Kairos and then possibly be leaders during their senior year and should not apply here.